
leap Frog

That sneaky fucker Frog leaped on me Friday night.

I was at the bar, having a drink, and he punched me in the arm. Naturally, I had to punch him back. Then he performed a maneuver generally associated with escalating levels of testosterone hijinks known in these parts as "bowing up", whereby one puffs out one's chest.

I saw his bowing up and responded by standing up and bowing up myself. Then, of course, we shoved each other a bit. I was just getting ready for another good shove when the sneaky prick jumped on me and wrapped his arms and legs around me. I went down like a dead tree in a windstorm with Frog clinging to me like a crazed koala, knocking barstools willy-nilly about the place. Luckily, everyone who works there knows us, and I didn't take him leaping on me personally, so we didn't get into a full blown fight or anything. No emergency personnel were required. We got up laughing, and a few startled bar patrons picked up the bar stools.

I had to laugh. I've been the unfortunate recipient of an ass whipping or two in my day, but rarely do you see a little creativity on the part of an assailant. It's never fun to be assaulted, but the least someone can do is put a little effort in.

He assured me later that he likes me, and as a result would never kill me in public, so I appreciate that. I told him a few weeks ago he had to do some crazy shit to give me some material, so I guess I got what I asked for. Next time I'll be more specific about who should be on the receiving end.

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