
heavy amp

I was walking through the parking lot with my amp and my accessory box with all my guitar rig shit in it. My guitar amp is fucking heavy, so I stopped to switch hands.

One of the larger bouncers saw me and started shouting at me for resting.

"You sissy! Pick that little speaker up and get out of my parking lot!" he grinned.

"Shit is heavy, man!"

"Bullshit, I can curl that thing" he said, walking over to stand over it.

I invited him to give it a try.

He picked it up with a grunt, and got it up in the air about level with his waist. The amp paused in its upward motion right there, the arm that was lifting it quivering. The bouncer made a sound that sounded like "Hurk!", and put it back down.

"That thing is heavy, man." he smiled, and we had a laugh about it.

I picked my amp back up, said goodbye to him, and went inside to get shitfaced waiting for Walter's gig to finish up.

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