
Frog calls Shayla

I'm not a huge Red Hot Chili Peppers fan, but I must admit that their new video kicks ass.

There's this one part where Anthony Keidis is in this silvery tent looking thing with a hood on it jumping around and making faces, and that looks like a lot of fun. Those are two things I like to do a lot.

I was riding back from the waffle house this weekend with Shayla, wedged into her tiny little car. She has a VW Cabriolet, and I am six feet tall. This means that to sit comfortably in the car I have to open the glove box so that my kneecaps have room.

Her phone rang. She handed it to me to answer. It was Frog.

"Hello?" I said, pretending to be her.

"WHere are you?" he asked

"Waiting at home to suck your cock!" I shrieked.


"Give me all eighteen wheels you big trucker! Ride me like a Hog on a bad stretch of road! Stick me!"

Shayla was laughing so hard she damn near killed us both in her toy car.

"I just wanted to know if you guys wanted anything from the store," Frog said on his end of the phone.

"I think we're good, man." I told him.

Shayla drove us home in her little car.

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