
Pig Bitch

I walked over to the Bait Shack with Frog and a bass player we had found at another bar. The guy and Frog knew each other.

We went down into the bowels of the Bait Shack to see Walter beat on his drums and drink our faces numb. When we got there Walter pointed at me and pointed at his kit. I made the universal sign of drinking at him. Too drunk to play.

Walter and the boys finished up. He climbed out from behind his drum fort and came out front with some CDs in his hand.

"These are for that girl over there in the red leather," he said, "But I don't know if she will like them or not"

"You took her out last night, yeah?"

"Yeah. I don't know. I like her."

"She like you?"

"I don't know."

"WHORE" I yelled. She didn't hear me all the way across the bar.

She came over a minute later, and Walter gave her her CD's. She said it was sweet. I could tell she was not going to be putting forth the amount of respect I like to see a woman pay my friends. We discussed where we were all going next. She wanted to go play some pool, and she had the balls to ask me if I wanted to walk over there with her.

"Why don't I drive Walter's truck and he can walk with you, after I squeeze on him a bit" I said, giving him a hug.

She ignored my comment. We all ended up riding over in Frog's truck, and drinking ourselves even sillier. She continued to not meet my expectations for someone who should be seeing a pal of mine. She was making eyes and flirting with some other dick at the bar. I told Walter so as delicately as I could.

"This bitch is playing you out, man" I told him.

We got kicked out shortly after, and on the way home I convinced him to delete her number from his cellphone, but not before he called her and gave the phone to me. I shouted and ranted onto her voicemail, although I don't remember what I said.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Fuck if I know. What should I have said?"

"I don't know. Something like: 'You're a pig-bitch'"

I probably should not involve myself in other people's love lives, but I hate to see a fine fella like Walter chasing a pig-bitch like that.

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