
door fucking

I get sort of bored at work.

They have changed our swipecard key things at work now. They used to be little black thingies that you would hold up to a door, but now they are more like credit cards. I keep mine in my wallet.

If I hold my wallet up to the door, the little pad goes "Beep!" and the door unlocks. I decided to try a few methods of opening the door with the card inside things, just to see what sort of foolishness it would let me get away with.

I stuck it in my shoe, and I was able to sort of kick my foot up and get it to work. I tried throwing it at the door inside my wallet, but the little pad became offended and ignored me. It stared at me with its little defiant red light. Needless to say, I had to show that little pad who was boss around these parts.

I decided to get really acrobatic. I stuck the card inside my wallet and down my pants and started jumping up and down in front of the door. I could get it to work maybe 2 or 3 times out of 5.

I decided I'd better quit, though, lest someone come in early and wonder just why I was trying to fuck the front door in midair, but I showed that little pad thingy what's up.

I hope my precious wedding tackle has suffered no ill effects due to radiation or any strange shit like that.

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