

One of my goals in life is to let you ladies know what's up.

Judging by the number of magazines dedicated to letting you know how much slimmer you need to be, and what clothes you need to wear and such as that, I think there may be some of you out there who feel that they don't measure up to some sort of standard.

Let me just tell you right now that if there is such a standard, men did not make it up. Of course there are shallow men out there, but any of us who have spent any time with our heads on straight know that there is more to the sublime enjoyment of companionship that a woman can provide that just her looks.

Having said that I wish to talk tonight about one of my favorite topics, which is boobs.

Why do men love boobs so much? Who cares, let's not get technical. All I know is I love them.

Now, what I want to impart to you ladies is that you should not worry about the size or shape of your breasts. To a true breast conoisseur like myself, any size or shape is equally beautiful and worthy of drooling.

Along this line of thought, I would just like to say that any of you who are wondering about your breasts should wonder no more. All you have to do is take a photograph of them and send it to me, and I will give you my expert opinion on them with all available speed.

You are beautiful, girls, you really are.

So, if you ever feel down, or bad about yourself, or someone tells you you are no good, you just look them straight in the eye and say: "SHUT YOUR DISGUSTING GOB, YOU REVOLTING HANDBAG OF CAMEL SHIT. HODGSON LOVES ME, AND HE'S A COMPLETE MORON, BUT HE LIKES BOOBIES"

That'll shut em up.

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