
aliens from planet pillow

BANG my door burst open.

"Hurf barka schmackle pies!" someone shouted.

I was snuggled in my warm bed nest where the comfortable aliens from planet pillow live.

"Him! Jew heft ten pies gone!" the blurry shape which had banged my door open demanded.

I tried to say "Just what the fuck are you on about, you damned blurry shape?" but it came out "Hunnh".

"JIM YOU LEFT YOUR LIGHTS ON" my landlord said, as he materialized from his blurrier form. "I NEED YOUR KEYS."

"Pants." I said, pointing at the floor.

He went away, and I fit myself back into the silhouette of myself which the aliens from planet pillow had reserved for me.

Outside, booming metro areas made of oxygen and nitrogen boiled and tumbled over one another in an effort to get out of the way of booming metro areas of water which were falling through, and the whole damned affair would fit on the end of a child's finger.

Sleep jumped on me like a kitten on a bowl of milk, and I was lapped up.

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