
the door thieves

I went over to my old place to finish cleaning it out. I had some fun tossing things like computer monitors out the window to the ground. Everything still there was something I didn't want anymore, so I didn't have to be careful with it.

I accidentally smashed the lamp post out front when I pushed an old bass cabinet I had off the roof, but my landlord said I could pay him for it and it would be ok. I was sort of wondering if someone would break in, and when i got there the door to the outside porch was standing open, but nothing seemed to be missing.

This email came in friday, after I had moved most of the crap out:

From: Landlord
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:21:28 -0500
To: Jim
Subject: missing door
What happened to the door between the rooms in your apartment?


I called him. He wasn't fooling around. Someone had climbed up on the second floor porch, come in my house, and stolen my door. I told him my new place came with doors, and I was not required to bring any.

They didn't touch anything else. Not my bikes, which were there, or any of the delicate computer equipment which I later tossed out the window. Just the door.

As you can see, it's not a particularly NICE door or anything like that.

I giggled and laughed all weekend about it, but then I got a call from my landlord on Sunday.

It was my hot next door neighbor! She decided she wanted it for some fucked-up reason, and had come in and taken it. I mean, who steals a fucking door? I was imagining like Bob Vila wannabes hooked on drugs or something.

Anyway the whole thing was very bizarre. Watch out for the door thieves, people.

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