
things to do before I die

There are a few things that I feel every man wants to do in his life. I have been lucky enough to do a few of them already, like make it with a lesbian, but a few of them still elude me.

Tonight my buddy Donald drove all the way up to work to let me drive a really sweet Audi he had on loaner from the dealership. I zipped it around the parking lot at breakneck speed. It was lit up like an airplane cockpit inside. The shifters were on the steering wheel, so that took a bit of getting used to, but it was great fun.

Then we took the traction control system off and screeched the tires a bit. I was going to jack the emergency break up and toss it into a spin, but I figured that would make Donald a little nervous, so I just tried to spin it by jumping off the gas in a turn. "E-brake it!" he shouted.

It was on.

I zipped back around the building with Donald flopping around in the passenger seat and threw it into a hard right, and then yanked up the brake. The big, expensive car cut a slick arc over the parking lot, tires screaming.

So, I can check that off the list. Expensive German car spun out. Check.

Now all I have to do is find two babes who will get it on with me. Hopefully Neckhole will be open to experimentation when she gets out of jail, which looks like it will be sometime along about, oh... never. That would take the list down to "Being A Fuckoff-Huge Rock Star", and "Building an Automobile From Scratch"

There are a lot more, but I forget them right now.

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