
brewery tour

I handed my beer glass over the counter to the girl. She pulled the tap and sweet, sweet beer poured in. I watched it swirl around.

"Okay!" a cute blonde shouted. "Everyone hum zum huzzle wuz!"

Sadly for her, she was unable to correctly form words because I was terribly drunk, but I gathered that the brewery tour was beginning. I went and found my friends and we got in line and listened.

"huzz suzzle pluzz buzz!" the girl shouted. She sure was cute. We decided to go outside for a smoke while she got finished yammering in the lobby. We just wanted to see the big iron in the back.

Bring on the hoppers full of beer, lady!

Eventually we got back there and listened to her talk about the beer making process. A box top full of barley came around. I grabbed a handfull.

"Whuzza?" I asked my buddy.

"Eat it." he suggested. I ate it. I really wasn't totally shitfaced, but right then that barley tasted really good. All I could taste was the hops from the beer I was drinking though.

"All I can taste is the hops!" I shouted to my buddy over the whooshing fans and whatnot.

"No! Barley!" he said.

"Yeah but all I can taste is hops!" I said, pointing to my beer glass.

"No, Barley!" He said.

This went on for 3 hours.

Eventually we got to the cooler where they keep the beer. We helped the cute girl open the door and we all walked inside. There was a big strange-looking metal machine on the floor.

"That," the cute girl said, pointing at the metal thingey, "Is some sort of filtration thingey!"

Makes sense. The tour ended. We went to get more beer.

Brewery tours are great fun, and you get to get totally shitfaced, which is fun. They really don't have anywhere for you to sit though, so you end up getting tired of standing around and leaving.

I think this is to keep people from staying their entire lives.

Maybe I could pretend to be a ghost and haunt the place. I would have to be careful, though. The first day they found me lying in the floor with my ghost sheet all dirty and beer bottles all around the ghost jig would be up.

Or I could just buy their beer like everyone else.

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