
a cult with no sense of humor

I dreamed last night that a friend of mine wanted to join a cult, so I joined it too.

I got annoyed with being in the cult, so I snuck out of my room one night to play some practical jokes on the cult people.

I don't remember exactly what the practical jokes were, but I know one of them had to do with a sailboat, and doing something to the sail.

Anyway the cult people got really pissed about my practical jokes. Apparently whatever I did to the sailboat ruined the sail.

The cult leader guy told me that the sailboat sail was dried out totally, which is a bad thing for a cult sailboat sail, I guess. He said the trial to figure out who had done what was going to be the trial of the century.

I said "Well if they are that pissed off about it, I'll tell them I did it."

"It takes a lot of balls to own up to something like that," he said. "We're going to have to punish you" he listed the ways in which I was going to be punished, and it was really harsh.

I woke up thinking "Holy shit am I glad I'm not in a cult with no sense of humor."

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