
locked in a bar

When I woke up the room was still dark. Someone had tossed a rough blanket over me. It looked like it was still night time.

I consulted my watch in the darkness. It was 10am. I sat up.

Brad rolled around on the other couch and looked at me. "He left us a note." he said. I saw it on the floor, and picked it up.

Hey guys. The alarm is on, so do not go out. I'll be by at 11 or 12 or so. Call my cellphone if you need to be let out before then. It's no problem at all.

I got up and went to look for some coffee. I passed the place where I had fallen down on my ass the night before.


I went around behind the bar and started poking and prodding at the coffee machine. I found some coffee that didn't seem too offensive, and some sugar. Hm. Cream?

I looked in the beer coolers, and found a carton of cream. I gave it a whiff.

"Hey Brad?" I called across the bar.

"Hey mo!" Brad said.

"I found some cream but it smells bad."

"Don't drink it"


I put some coffee into the coffee maker's removable jaw and pressed some buttons on the front. It lit up and began to sputter.

I found a sheet of paper behind the bar and began writing the owner and the employees a note for letting us play and crash. I folded some origami to thank them.

I ran my fingers through my hair and just sort of spaced out waiting for my coffee. We had been to 5 or 6 bars the night before, moonwalking and skipping across the streets. We flirted and talked to the bartenders and waitresses, who patronized us politely until we shuffled to the next place.

We met a very intense looking guy at one of the bars. He started telling Brad about how he was annointed or chosen by god or some shit like that, so I rolled off to talk to some people around a pool table.

I looked back and the guy was staring at Brad. I could tell Brad was at a loss.

I rescued Brad and we headed across the street to another place, after rolling some silverware with one of the wait staff. We hugged everyone we met.

The coffee maker farted steam to let me know that it had thought about my coffee enough.

I poured a big cup and waited to be let out.

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