
open letter to the president

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:57:36 -0600 
To: [email protected]
Subject: Mister President, Sir
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i 

Dear Mr President,

I am emailing to thank you for your 
check of $300 to me. I can't really 
remember what I spent it on, but I'm 
pretty sure it helped a lot.

The problem is I really need some more
money to finish recording my music and                     
become a famous performer. I wonder if
the White House is in need of someone to                   
perform songs for the staff, compose
poetry, that sort of thing. I know the
US already has a Poet Laureate who would 
probably fill that role, but I know I                       
could be good for White House morale in 
such trying times as these.

To demonstrate my considerable skill, I 
have composed a haiku for you. It goes                    
like so:

huzzah for our man
President Bush will help us
another term, please

Thanks in advance for your attention to
this matter. I'm sure you're a busy guy.

Yours sincerely,
American Artist

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