

We parked in a deck and slid out of the car. Abdul started wandering over toward a corner of the deck to take a piss.

Jamie chastized him in her spanish music, and he turned around, grinning sheepishly.

"Ok, ok." he said, "I'll wait".

"Abdul... " she cooed at him.

I giggled.

We all walked down the deck to the street. People were strolling this way and that, their breath steaming into the night. We were bundled against the cold.

Abdul led us to the club down the street, where a stream of beautiful women were just charging down the stairs. Each one that passed me was more sexy than the last. I wanted to tell them all that i wanted to marry them.

Instead, I dropped my cellphone.

I picked it up and we made it to the top of the stairs where an impossibly huge black man stood by the door to the place. Latin music pulsed so intensely inside that the windows sang and pused with it.

When he saw Jamie and Abdul his face lit up. He grabbed Jamie up in a big bearhug and lifted her off the floor, shouting his enthusiastic hellos.

Abdul introduced me to him. His name was Rock.

"Okay man," Rock said, looking me over. "Normally I don't do sneakers, but you're with my people, so I'm going to let you in."

"Ah, wow. Thanks man" I said, smiling.

He gave me a look that let me know I was on thin ice with him for wearing sneakers, then pulled the door open to admit us.

We went inside, and walked through several small rooms which opened onto the dance floor. The rooms had couches and smaller chairs in them, with hispanic men and women lounging and smiling on them, talking to one another. Everywhere there was a couple dancing in the sexy salsa style to the throb of the music.

Abdul sidled up to the bar, and the beautiful girl there grabbed him over the bar and kissed him. She mixed our drinks as I stood there smiling around at the room. Jamie danced a little bit next to me, smiling.

Our drinks returned, carried by Abdul. He handed me mine, and I noticed that they were all in huge glasses. Everyone else had smaller drinks.

I looked at Abdul.

He clinked all of our glasses together.

"Salud" he smiled.

"Salud!" Jamie and I chimed, and drank our drinks.

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