
the hex

My new apartment has a porch that overlooks a pretty busy street. People are always walking up and down it at all hours of the night. Most of them are fairly shady characters.

It's a 100 year old house which has been devided into 4 apartments. I rent one of the upstairs apartments, which shares the porch with the other upstairs unit.

Last night I was having a couple of beers with my neighbors. They are nice people. Tad and Annie. They are getting married in three weeks. We were hanging out on our porch and a guy walked into the little yard in front of the house.

He wanted to know if he could sleep in the yard for a couple of hours. Annie told him he could.

He piled up in the bushes.

We sat on the porch quietly for a few minutes.

"So you got a playstation?" Tad wanted to know.

Tonight I was on the porch having a smoke and a woman walked by. She stopped in front of the house and spotted me.

She was wearing what looked like a red velvet blazer, and carrying a very large purse. Her right hand cradled a very long cigarette between two fingers.

She began waving her other hand at me and talking. I couldn't hear what she was saying because of the cars whizzing past behind her. I started to yell this at her, but I thought better of it.

Eventually she walked away.

I wonder if she put a hex on me.

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