
naked butt cheeks

Ok ladies, I've got another observation about our situation for you.

My latest theory about men and women is that there are some good points to the much hated and talked about society pressures regarding promiscuity. If you think about it, it's kind of good that women are pressured not to have sex.

If women have less sex, they are exposed to less disease, for one thing, but it more importantly provides for the whole sluttiness in the bedroom idea to be somewhat taboo and exciting. Lord knows I like to spank a girl and treat her like a nasty little hobag from time to time. It would be a lot less fun to do if she actually WAS a nasty little hobag, let alone that I'd be much less interest in sleeping with her skank ass at all.

Additionally, free love is a nice idea and all, but if you can really fuck anyone you want any time you want, fucking becomes boring. Have you ever been with someone who was so into you they'd do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted? It's great, isn't it?

Shit, I mean it's bad! Yes, bad!

So, while I agree that there's a stereotype of women with numerous sexual partners that's unfair, I don't know that it's necessarily all bad. Speaking as a man, I like to feel that a girl I am with will do things sexually with/for me that she wouldn't do with/for anyone else, for whatever reason. There's nothing hotter than a sweet girl who is a perfect lady in public and likes nothing better than to be ravaged like a wild slut monkey when you get home (or out to the car).

Basically, what I'm saying is that I love you ladies, and I want to spank your naked butt cheeks.

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