

J-rock, who lives at the house, and Shayla have both read that Conversations with GOd book, and seem pretty taken with it. Based on their recommendations I read a bit of it myself, but it irritated me within a few pages, so I stopped.

First of all, the book is against organized religion, but if you go to the website of the book they have all sorts of workshops and retreats and books by the author on every possible aspect of life.

Sounds like a fucking religion to me!

Have you ever noticed that the answer people have for any problem you have with religion is a different religion?

I have other problems with this book being the dialogue of god. God uses the parlance of a 21st century male. I find that suspect, since it was written by a 21st century male claiming to be speaking to god. Things that make you go "Huh?".

Ultimately I don't disagree with most of the messages in the book, but I think that to really progress as a human, one must look inside themselves, rather than looking to someone else's experience. So, if that really is a valid conversation with the allmighty, I think it's only useful for the person with hom the allmighty was rapping at the time.

I told Walter I had read a bit of the book.

"Yeah?" he said "Hogwash?"

"Hogwash." I nodded

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