
I don't watch the news

I hate the news. There are very few things that I would actually say in print that I hate, because I feel hating is sort of beneath me, but the news deserves it.

For example, when I got home from work on 9/11 and was watching CNN with my roommate, I saw them show the clip of the Palestinians dancing in the streets. That has to be the most ridiculously irresponsible thing I have ever seen any organization do. Who knows why those people were dancing? Who knows when that was? Even if they WERE dancing as a result of the tragedy, who cares what a couple of people in the street are doing? Images like that can cause an entire nation to turn against another. Can you imagine? Am I the only one who sees this?

It's not just 9/11 either. The shuttle disaster has been the same way. They have 15 minutes of stuff to say about the disaster, but we get 24/7 coverage. You do the math. That means they have to spend a hell of a lot of time asking people what they think about it, and they will ask anyone.

They had reporters wandering the streets of New York on 9/11 talking to the families of victims asking "How bad has this made you feel?", and "How terrible a tragedy is this?". Jesus, of COURSE it's fucking terrible.

The nightly news is like that every day, too. All they have to say is this is terrible, that is terrible, these people died, these people got hurt, blah blah horror blood gore pain.

Well, I say shut the fuck up, news people. Yes, terrible things happen in the world, and yes, people need to know about it, but good things also happen, and we need to know about them too. I just can't stand to be constantly harped on and harped on about all the horribleness and negativity. It's not really the news's fault, since they are that way because that's what people want to see, but I feel that ingesting that amount of negativity is to risk seriously harshing my mellow. In new-agey neo-hippy terms, I feel that the news is an insult to my karma, as well as my intellect.

That's why I don't watch the news.

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