
oooh burn

There are some foolish persons out there who believe that it is okay and accepted to call one's own burns. This is absolutely false. Calling your own burn would go something like this.

"I think that firetrucks are red."

"Yeah red like your face when your dad caught you with the dog, huh? OOOOH BURN"

See how foolish that is?

It's only a real burn if it makes OTHER PEOPLE go "Ooooh burn!". You cannot self-promote your comments to burn status. This is absolutely against the rules, which I have just discovered in a locked cabinet in a secret crypt under a tree. Only I know the location, so don't even bother trying to dispute me.

Even if it were okay, which it isn't, only I would be allowed to do it, because I am the Grand High Arbiter of Whatever I Declare That I Am The Grand High Arbiter Of, and you can put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Oooh! Burn!

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