
better dongs than coke in the stalls

I have sort of mixed feelings on the subject of drugs.

On the one hand, I think that the war on drugs is an expensive farce where drugs like marijuana are concerned. They should just go ahead and legalize it, although I don't smoke it now, and I doubt I would if they did.

I had my fair share of it when I was younger, but it just doesn't seem like a really cool way to spend my time anymore. I don't like feeling dumb any more than I have to, and I have to a fair amount of the time due to actually being dumb in some ways. Just ask my family, they'll tell you.

Drugs like cocaine aren't particularly offensive to me on the face of things. I think that if someone wants to destroy themselves then they should be allowed to do so as long as they aren't hurting anyone, but the import and sale of illegal drugs comes with a good bit of innocent people getting hurt, so I have to be against it. I doubt cocaine will ever be legal.

I don't have a philosophical problem with people who smoke pot, I just don't do it myself. I think it's sort of juvenile.

I was talking to my buddy Greg yesterday about his experiences out at a bar the other night. He said he was chatting up a girl and things were going pretty well.

"Yeah, so she takes me into the women's bathroom into a stall." he said.

"Oh yeah, right on?"

"Yeah," he continued, "And guess what she whips out?"

"OH NO!" I exclaimed, thinking his next words were going to be "A DONG".

"Coke." he said.

"Oh, whew."

"I just walked out. How lame"

"Yeah man, fuck that bitch"

If someone takes you into the bathroom and whips out a bag of coke, you know right away that they're not someone you want to hang around with, so it's easy to just tell them to fuck off and walk out.

If they whip out a dick, it doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad person, it just means they are maybe a tad forward, you know? It's harder to hurt someone's feelings who wants to get it on with you than it is to hurt someone's feelings who wants you to do coke with them, I think.

"Hey girl, thanks, but I just don't like dongs, you know? See ya!"

I'm not even sure how to handle that situation.

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