
beginning of fall

I noticed the suitcase in the trash on my way up to the house, but I didn't really pay any attention to it, but when he noticed it he said "What the fuck?".

He pulled it out of the trashcan and pulled it behind him up the driveway about ten feet, and then stood it up against the house.

"It's wet" he said.

His cowboy boots made little crackly noises as he shifted his feet around or took a step.

Another guy showed me around the house. It was about what I expected: in terrible condition, and full of musicians and instruments.

On the way out I was greeted by an enormous dog which was so black that it actually sucked the light out of the rest of the house. I rubbed the dog behind the ears.

"This is a really tiny horse." I said.

The guy gave a short laughing sound and pushed his way out the storm door into the beginning of fall.

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