
hooker landscape.

I wear undershirts.

Some people have made fun of me for wearing two shirts at any given point in time, but there are many benefits.

First of all, it's more comfortable. Undershirts are soft.

Secondly, should one sweat at some point during the course of the day, the undershirt will help conceal any sweat stains you may otherwise have created, unless, of course, you are chasing a full grown cow with a fifteen inch black rubber cock in one hand and a jar of strawberry jam in the other while wearing a crushed velvet santa suit in the middle of June (or so I've heard).

Lastly, we men learn our habits from our fathers on matters like these, and my dad wore undershirts, although he wore vee-neck and I wear crew neck.

I was thinking about all of this the other night as I drove down Atlanta's famous Ponce de Leon. I passed hookers who loomed as I drove past them, then disappeared behind me. This reminded me of the way the hairs on my stomach look when I rub my undershirt on my belly. They poke through the fabric, small at first, then growing longer as the hole they are poking through gets closer to the follicle, and finally disappearing again.

Hookers, similarly, grow out of pores in the earth, which is wearing an undershirt that is the landscape as we know it.

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