
goodbye brad monday

"The nut is loose," he explained. "Makes it hard to turn because you have to use your body, and the seat just turns"

He showed me the unicycle seat.

"I want to get one of those. I'd like to ride it to work." I said.

We walked on the path behind my apartment with my dog and his bladder.

"I had fire ants living in my pocket." Brad said.

"No shit?"

"Yeah, I told the guys and they didn't believe me, so I showed them. I walked around with ants living in my pocket the rest of the day. We cohabitated."

"I like to be the only living organism in my pants. Did you get bitten?"

"A little. I also ate a toad out on maneuvers. I didn't get sick or anything. I guess I eventually shit a toad."

"Probably. Did you bite it?"

"Nah he went down whole."

"Good man."

Brad and I finished walking the dog in the orange light of late afternoon. I tried riding his unicycle a little bit, and then he followed me to the interstate on my way to work.

When we got to his turn, my friend Brad the U.S. Marine saluted me, then took a right up Piedmont.

He is leaving America to go and protect Americans. He could die.

He's a good kid.

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