

The cold showers are getting to me.

It's a struggle not to constantly shriek at the top of my lungs as the frigid water abuses my skin.

I keep thinking to myself, "I can take it... mind over matter.", but then a drop of freezing water hits my business, and my spine leaps out the top of my head.

Even that's not as bad as the fact that my nipples contract to such a degree as to uncomfortably stretch the skin on my back. They grow to an approximate length of seven inches, which is handy for hanging a washrag on, but very painful. If I should slip and fall I know they'll punch straight through the bottom of the tub.

The shower is pretty disconcerting, but so far, my white-hot hatred of the Gas Company overcomes the discomfort of cold showers. I'll show those fuckers who the man is!

I related my story about how they tried to fuck me out of $200 to my friend Greg, and told him about how I was living without gas just to show them.

"Oh yeah man," he said "They are hurting."

Fuckin' A they are.

Victory for me!

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