

Last night I went out with some friends to a goth/bondage club. It was fairly interesting.

I kept saying things that i found particularly funny, so I called myself at home in order to remember them. I have two messages right now on my machine.

The first says "Holy shit, is that Yoda?".

I was alarmed that Yoda should be not only six feet tall, but dancing like a victim of grand mal seizure at a bondage club. You can see how this would cause some alarm.

The second says "Holy shit, is that an orbital sander?"

There was a stage at the club where employees would perform various sorts of bondage and sado-masochism on one another. One of the performances included a dude poking and prodding at a girl with what looked to me like an orbital sander.

To me personally, nothing that says Black and Decker on it should be terribly sexy. I would feel like a lecherous Bob Vila.

After the guy got done with the orbital sander he strapped a rubber dong on the girl and proceeded to suck it for her.

I said to a friend who was with me "Well that's neighborly of him.". She said "Huh?", because the music was very loud.

This brings me to a thought that I have about this sort of thing. I mean, I like to rough my hoez up as much as the next guy, but I think at a certain point there is just no need for props and patent leather things and whatnot. If people are into that, then more power to them, but I don't want to be tortured while I am trying to get my fuck on.

For those of you nice ladies and gentlemen who wish to have sex with me while prodding me with an orbital sander, I appreciate it, but no thank you.

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