
caribou humpers

Brad started up his behemoth of a truck and we backed out of the space behind my apartment. There was an Audi parked next to us, which Brad was about an ass hair from mauling.

He eased the giant vehicle out of the space. There couldn't have been more than an inch of clearance.

The Foo Fighters pounded it out in the dishes of Brad's speakers, pushing air at us in recognizeable patterns as Brad pushed the gas pedal, making his enormous vehicle turn controlled explosions into revolving tires and forward motion.

"I thought I had enough hair to grow a goatee." Brad said. "Doesn't matter much now."

"Yeah they'll just shave that shit off in the Marines"

"I've always wanted sideburns"

"Why are you so hair deprived?"

"Well my ancestors were Lithuanian. They hump Caribou."


We went to get a bagel, then Brad drove me to work.

He left me there to work for money and went off to join the Marine Corps.

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