
the ambulance arrives

The ambulance finally showed up. It only required two hours of waiting on the sidewalk for them to come pick us up. Thank jesus I wasn't bleeding from the neck or anything. I would have died.

The Ambulance guys slid out of the truck. They looked at me and the guy whose car I hit.

"So uh, what's up?" one of them asked.

I turned my arm around so they could see it. They seemed pretty relaxed about everything.

"What about you?" the EMT said to the guy whose car I hit.

"My back hurts a little bit"

"Okay.. Get in the ambulance."

We all clambered in and they started strapping the other guy to a plastic board. I sort of wanted a smoke, but I figured ambulances are pretty rigidly nonsmoking.

I watched them strap the other guy down instead.

"Okay now," the EMT was saying, "If you are totally uncomfortable when this is over, we did it right."

He looked pretty uncomfortable.

The EMT looked at me.

"Grady okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I guess.. whatever's fine"

I had no idea what I was in store for.

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