
my honor is questioned

Today at work my integrity was called into question.

It was suggested that I had misplaced the keys to Bitch, our company truck. I distinctly remembered placing them in the hands of our Chief Financial Officer.

When he heard me say this, he said "Nawp!" and stalked off.


Now I am a lot of things, but one thing I am not is dishonest. I interrupted him when he was on the phone and put the keys in his hand and he forgot about it. He wasn't even allowing for the possibility that he had made the mistake, not me.

I bitched about it to Tom Vines.

"Super Cracker is saying I lost the keys to Bitch."

"Oh man. You see? White people." he nodded.

"I know I gave them to him,"

"Eh, it's not a big deal."

But it definately was a big deal to me. All day my boss's boss and my boss's boss's boss were coming up to me.

"Are you sure you gave those keys to him?" they would ask.


"I mean REALLY sure?"


I began to get a little pissed off about it. I bitched at Mike outside.

"There is no FUCKING way that ANYONE is going to MAKE ME SAY that I LOST THOSE FUCKING KEYS." I shouted at him, stabbing my finger at the air in front of his chest.

"Ok man, ok."

I humphed around the office all afternoon, pissed.

I headed back down the office to my desk, when I saw my boss's boss dangling a set of keys in the air at the other end of the hall.

"Where were they?" I asked when I got to him.

"In his office" he said.

I whipped my jacket off, Michael Jackson style, dropping it on the floor behind me.

"WHAT DID I SAY BABY? HELL YEAH" I bellowed. He made shushing motions at me, and told me to shut up.

Score one for Hodgson, people.

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