
purple beast

I walked out of my apartment and shut the door, locking it. I walked down the aging wooden stairs and stopped on the landing.

On the ground next to the apartment/house was a purple and aqua machine. I stared at it.

It was just big enough for a man to sit in. It had little tank treads for wheels, and a cluster of knobs, levers, and buttons sprouting from its innards.

Two things about this machine made me stop and examine it. First, it was standing next to my house. Secondly, it was purple and aqua.

It seemed fairly benign, but had an undeniable menacing quality, due to its single arm protruding from the front. The arm was tipped with a bucket, which had steel fingers for digging in the earth. The arm had rubber veins twisted around it, for holding its hydraulic blood.

I eventually left it to its silent musings. It may have been plotting to claw the house down, I don't know. When I came home it was gone, off to silently pose next to someone else's house, no doubt.

I'm glad it left, because I'm throwing a party tonight, and I don't want menacing purple and aqua machines lurking about and scaring my guests.

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