
talk farts

I was talking to a very attractive young lady today. We were discussing how our thanksgivings had gone and whatnot.

I started talking about how I couldn't wait to go see my buddy up in the mountains. I am planning a week-long snowboarding trip up there.

We talked about how it sucks to bust your ass under the lift, and how the fuckers in the chairs will click their skis together to knock the snow off onto you.

We talked about how great it would be to go out west and snowboard in some real snow.

"I want to go out west," she said.

"Yeah.. real snow!"


"Real rocks"


"I like rocks" I concluded.

'I like rocks'?! What the fuck is that? Who says "I like rocks"?

I couldn't even think of a way to talk myself out of that corner, so I just let it hang there like a fart.

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