
egotist manifesto

I can't explain this, but I definately like hardwood trees better than evergreens. Pine trees, firs, all of them are posers.

It's mostly because pine trees grow so fast. You just can't duplicate a 200 year old live oak.

This weekend my sister came to visit me and I took her down to the warm little center of town where the freaky folks find refuge. We went around to different shops, navigating a sea of dreadlocks dyed all colors of the rainbow. I stood around and smoked cigarettes while she shopped.

There were some guys down there selling what they called an "Underground Art Magazine". THey were asking for donations of three to five bucks. I gave the guy five. I like to support artists.

I took a look at the magazine. It was called KARDUZ ARTS. I flipped through it.

Page one: A detailed biography of Miriam Karduz, the ARTISTe. Sort of boring, but whatever.

Page two: A rant by Lemur Karduz, the wizened patriarch of the Karduz family. He ranted about modern life and the rampant crime and blah blah the world is so ugly blah.

Page Three: A poem by Biff Karduz. What the fuck.

By this time I was getting quite annoyed with the KARDUZ family. The WHOLE MAGAZINE is a detailed account of their philosophy, their life, their art. But there wasn't that much art. You would think that an art magazine would be cover to cover with art. Sculpture, painting, dancing. They have all of these things, but they are all about themselves! They even have a fucking band comprised of guess who.. KARDUZ FAMILY.

I want my fucking fiver back.

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