
Hookers, God and Jimi Hendrix

So, the hooker I emailed yesterday mailed me back. She said she gets $200 an hour plus tip. Naturally, I wondered what the tip would be, because I consider myself a good tipper.

I can tell you right now that it costs $200 an hour PLUS a $150 an hour tip just to talk to an escort in Las Vegas.

I have pretty much given up on that idea. There are only two people that I'd pay that kind of money to talk to: God and Jimi Hendrix. Sadly, as I understand it, Jimi is down for the count. There is quite a lot of uncertainty about the existance of God in my mind, but even so, I still have no idea what his rates are.

What I have decided to do instead is talk to as many people as possible. My reasoning is that if God does exist, and he made all of us in his image, then one can get some sense of what he's got cooking by conversing with as many of his creations as possible, hookers included.

I like to try to get a sense of where people are coming from whenever I go to a new place. I don't know why I do this, but I'm as suprised as anyone that I have just related the possible existance of God to trotting around Las Vegas with a notepad, talking to hot dog vendors and street sweepers and the like.

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