
the 3 year plan

I have a 3 year plan.

I am allowing for the possibility that it may become a 5 year plan, but for the moment it's a 3 year plan.

Basically it consists of 3 parts.

1) save/earn a shitload of cash through some as-yet-undertermined means. 2) try not to pee in potted plants 3) purchase a sailboat and live on it, floating from place to place and living off the interest of the assload of dollars from 1.

I know, it needs work.

Basically I am going to endeavor to come up with whatever cash I can in the next couple of years. This means not buying a new car, which is fine for me because I love my car. It also means not buying anything that can't be stowed on a sailboat. That means no new computers.

If I am not supporting myself professionally through music by the time I have amassed the necessary funds, then I will give it up for a life of sailing.

It is quite likely that my crazy friend Dave will be along for the ride. As many of you know, chinamen are indespensable aboard a sailboat (or so he has led me to believe).

My slumlord coworker claims the way to go is real estate. The problem with being a slumlord is that your weekends have to be spent mowing grass and fixing toilets and shit. This conflicts with my rockstar weekends.

I used to have my life basically planned around one day having a wife and kids, but that sounds like a big fucking hassle. I'd much rather have a really super tan.

I don't know how I'm going to come up with the cash, and it may take me until I'm 40, but fuck it. I got a PLAN baby.

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