
making love to the road, part I. the impetus

I'm at the guitarist's house. We are supposed to be practicing. The bass player's missing in action. I have gotten in a little practice time, and the guitarist has fucked off to go run some errands, so I am sitting, playing with his computer.

I am about to leave, but I decide to burn some of the music he has to cd to listen to in the car. I lean back in the chair with the 'phones on, and crank it up so I can hear every nuance.

Seems I've got to have a change of scene. Every night I have the strangest dream *

Ths music is saving me, rearranging the order of the to do list of crap. I am a breath away from Nirvana when I am deep in the music.

The guitarist returns from his errands. He's got mail in his hand, which he is angrily flipping through. I can tell he's going to give me shit before his mouth even opens.

"Did you get the mics set up?" he asks.

"No.". I don't look up.

"Jim, are you high?". Now I look up.

"Not today."

He is stressed. He's got a new baby. We're all broke beyond words, and our musical dream is not paying. He's taking it out on me, because that's what he does. I don't have time for it. I'm just waiting for my CD to finish so I can go.

" ...not putting in any effort, and I say just fuck it. I quit.", I hear him saying. Ah christ.

"Ok," I say. "See you tomorrow"

"Jim we never ever agree on anything. Why is that?".

"We agree that I love you and you love me, my brother. See you tomorrow". You can't stop someone from leaving after a line like that, friends. He's not quitting, he's just mad.

The cd burner dots the end of my sentence. I grab it up, and I am out, out, and into my glorious car. I crank her sweet ass up and feed her the cd, and the two of us make love to the road.

* Feeling alright, Dave Mason. Performed by Joe Cocker

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