
little men in my head

Sometimes I say really fucked up things and then immediately forget about it. Last night over dinner a friend and coworker related that I said the following on my first day at work.

Her: Do you have any more questions?

Me: Yeah. How many stars could you put in a basket if you could put stars in a basket?

Her: Uh.. um.. so is there anything else you need?

Me: Yeah, a jet pack.

Her: jet pack?

Me: Yeah like that you put on your back and wear around.

You know you are really fucked up if you can't even remember when you are being heinously odd. I must immediately block that crap out as soon as i say it.

I imagine this little guy sitting next to the conveyor belt between my brain and my mouth. The things that I am about to say go by on the belt and he has a big lever that rejects things that are too stupid or too strange. I know he's in there, but the bastard is fast asleep.

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