Old Shiz

2002-03-28 - porcupine quill
2002-03-27 - lunber part 2
2002-03-26 - lumberrrrrr
2002-03-25 - space monkey
2002-03-23 - saturday
2002-03-21 - just thinking
2002-03-21 - caribou humpers
2002-03-18 - boom boom
2002-03-17 - porch dreams
2002-03-14 - a cult with no sense of humor
2002-03-11 - locked in a bar
2002-03-11 - la vida es buena
2002-03-11 - everyone made lovers
2002-03-08 - ass up
2002-03-06 - the idiot box
2002-03-04 - sticky notes
2002-03-01 - Tonka trucks
2002-03-01 - god damned