
The Loaf says no.

Hi Jim: Thanks for your interest in Creative Loafing, but We aren't in the market for freelance humor columns at this time. We're a pretty strictly formatted paper, and we just don't have a slot for it. The majority of freelance articles we run are in the Vibes and Food & Drink sections, with occasional pieces in Arts, Flicks and Nightshift.

Suzanne Van Atten
Associate Editor A&E
Creative Loafing

Well, there's a no. I emailed her back and thanked her for her time anyway. It seems to me that they are in the market for freelance humor columns at this time, since the ones they print are no more funny than a teaspoon of asbestos, but I'm not going to bother arguing with Ms Van Atten about it.

So, anyone have any ideas?

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