
Taint Maya

Do you guys ever feel like you just can't pay any attention to what people say at all?

I've gotten to the point where I almost don't even bother to listen to people talk about themselves or their feelings or whatever, because their actions will show you exactly what they really think.

I was thikning this earlier while playing my new favorite game. It's called The Slow Game, and you play it by moving as slowly as possible. It's not a good game to play while you're driving. Don't try it. Trust me. People honk.

I get bored playing The Slow Game usually after a minute or two. I have a low tolerance for boredom, my mom says. She may be right.

Another game I like a lot is Convince People of Ridiculous Shit a.k.a. the Lying Game. This weekend I convinced Shayla that Maya Angelou wrote a poem about the taint called "Taint the butt, Taint the balls", but she called bullshit when I couldn't keep a straight face. She gets mad at me for doing stuff like that because she thinks it means I think she's stupid. She's not stupid, just sensitive.

I can't tell her right then that I don't think she's stupid, because then she accuses me of just saying that to make her feel better.

So instead I just let it drop and waited a few hours, then called her up and told her I think she's beautiful and interesting and sexy and the best singer I have ever known, all of which is true. That made her feel good.

What makes me feel good is that I talked to my lawyer, and I'm not going to jail. Woop! He got the charge busted down on a technicality, so I'm free as a bird. Yay for my rock and roll lawyer with the big red beard! Thank jesus, because my sister is getting married this weekend and if I were in jail and not able to attend my mom would kill me dead.

And that would be a pisser.

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