
arm out the window

There are some who say that air conditioning is one of the greatest gifts from God himself, and with regards to the indoors, I happen to agree. However, when one is riding in a car air conditioning is quite passe.

The main reason for this is that it deprives one of the greatest automobiling pleasure: driving with your arm out the window.

I completely love driving with my left arm propped on the windowsill. I can't explain it. I always have. It's quite the enjoyable way to ride. As soon as I get in a car, I roll down the window and put my arm out it. Even on the passenger side I tend to do this.

This is the chief reason why my left arm is currently slightly sunburned and my right is not. It will remain this way all summer. Call it a badge of pride.

Air conditioning is essential in the home, because it's hard to sleep on your nice soft bed when it's suffocating the very life out of you and you're sweating like a tap dancer in a roomful of hungover suicidal maniacs. I myself quite enjoy a nice cold room to sleep in.

However, only yankees and feebs run their air conditioner in the car. It costs you gas, is likely to break down and bring huge repair bills, and doesn't even cool the car off before you get to where you're going anyway. Let alone the whole arm-out-the-window thing.

So, turn off that A/C and let's get those arms propped on the window sill where they belong. You have nothing to lose but your relatively uniform skin color!

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