
Wormy friends

This morning I was outside wasting time, and waiting for my shift to be over. It rained like hell last night, so the worms were out in the parking lot, making their do or die treks toward the other side.

Helpful person that I am, I would study each one that I found to determine its direction, then pick it up and carry it to the nearest grassy spot in that direction. I also named them.

Some of the worms were pretty complacent about the whole thing. They bunched up a bit to get away from me, but that was about all.

Others, like worms Hector and Charles, wriggled so viciously as to appear to bounce around on the pavement. I eventually captured all of them and deposited them accordingly.

I wonder if theres a big speaker on the wall in the underground rooms where the worms live that alerts all the worms that they need to beat it across the parking lot while it's wet and dark out. Maybe they are the pony express of the worm world, carrying messages from one grassy area to the next.

Of maybe they are the young worms striking out into the world to make a wormy name for themselves.

Whatever they are, I am washing my hands. Who knows what sorts of revolting deeds they have been up to. Hector certainly seemed a bit on the wild side.

Goodnight, my wormy friends.

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