
bat in the cave

I have one rogue nose hair which is the approximate size of bailing wire. It is probably the most hideous thing in the universe.

If I don't hack it back, it pokes the insides of my nose and makes me sneeze a lot. Yesterday was the day when it got too long. I decided to wage war.

"Anyone got a swiss army knife?" I shouted at work.

The new guys all swivelled their melons around to look at me.

"I have a leatherman," one said, pulling it out of his pocket. I grabbed it and went into the john. Someone was in one of the stalls though, so I just stood there and opened the leatherman and closed it over and over again until they flushed and went out.

Alone at last!

I was looking up my nose at the giant hideous shnoz hair when one of the new guys came in to take a whiz. He stopped when he saw me at the mirror, holding my nose open to look up it with one hand and wielding a knife in the other.

"I uh... " I said.

"Got a bat in the cave?" he asked.

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