

I buy liquid laundry detergent in the big jug with the spout on the side. It comes with a little plastic cup.

You stick the cup under the spout and then you pour the detergent from the cup into the washer.

Problem is, the cup gets all gooped up over time with the stuff on the outside, and this becomes annoying. I used to wash it in the sink with dishwashing liquid, but since I don't use dishes at all, it seems silly to wash just that one thing.

In fact just yesterday I started to take a plate out of the cabinet, and as I was holding it I thought "Now if I use this, I'm going to have to throw it away eventually".

Anyway, I made the excellent discovery that if you toss the cup in with the clothes it gets clean with them. I used to do this only when the cup got gooped up, but now I just fill 'er right up and toss 'er in with the clothes.

Is that what I am supposed to do?

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