
protect and serve

I was three quarters cocked and waltzing into a grocery store with my neighbor. We were after limes for the rum and cokes.

I had found a big floppy hat of hers in her room and put it on my head. I was pimping big time in that hat.

I stopped her next to the limes.

"Watch this." I said, juggling limes for her.

"I'm impressed," she said.

"Hang on, I haven't shown you the good shit yet" I went for one of my more impressive juggling moves and dropped all the limes.

"Oops, gotta go"

We paid for our stuff, and made for the door. I saw the cop standing there.

"Officer?" I said, "What do you think of this hat?"

Without even cracking a smile, he said "Tell you the truth, I don't like it much."

"Come on man, protect AND to serve, fella.. hook me up here" I told him. He shrugged. We tottered out to the car and went home to get cocked the rest of the way.

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