
the new economy

A lot of people have been getting canned at work. Usually two or three people month at work get the axe. That's a lot when only 40 people work where you do.

Because of all of this movement, I was moved to compose a song. It goes like this (to the tune of 'Bad Boys', the theme song from the show 'COPS').

employ's employ's
whatcha gonna do?
Whatchagonna do when they resign you?
Nobody now gettin no sevrance
Nobody now gettin no referance
Hey hey!

My friend Mike says of the people we are canning that they have been "resigned". They are asked to leave, and then offered a severance package in return for signing a piece of paper that says they resign. This means they can't get unemployment insurance, or sue the company for unjustly firing people. It's a bizarre legal waltz every day in the corporate world.

Anyway I sang the song to our HR girl, and she said it made her feel bad because it wasn't her fault she had to fire everyone. I wrote her a haiku to cheer her up.

She said it helped.

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