
demon cigarettes

I have decided (again) to quit smoking. Yesterday I was trying to talk a coworker into quitting with me, and he agreed that he needed to as well, so we decided to give it a run.

The desk next to his at work has a skull with a flashlight inside it. The flashlight runs through fiber optics to the outside of the skull. Its eye sockets and teeth light up and sort of glow through the colors of the rainbow.

As skulls go, it's pretty trippy.

So someone took a piece of wire and stuck it into the skull's teeth, and then put a cigarette on the protruding wire, in order to make the skull look like it was smoking a cigarette.

So we got done smoking our smokes and deciding we were quitting, and I walked past the skull that was smoking the cigarette and went back to my desk. I pulled up a couple of stop smoking websites and read the entries.

I began to get a little panicky, as I always do. It's not the smoking I mind giving up, it's the peace of mind. When I'm quitting I have to fight constantly to tell myself to not smoke. I tried to take it easy, but I just got more and more agitated.

I hatched a plan.

I got up from my desk, and snuck through QA to Webdev. I waited for my moment, and then I pounced! That skull never even saw me coming!

"Oh no you did NOT just take the skull's cigarette!" I heard my coworker exclaim, but I was already fumbling for the lighter. Damn the torpedoes!

I got outside and smoked that fucker like it was the best cigarette on earth, because it was.

I thought I could hear someone shouting "You didn't last 5 minutes!", but he was smoking too, so I just giggled and kept smoking.

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