
home insomnia network

It is that time of night when the cat gets really strange and begins charging around the house. Her tags jingle in time with her bullet-like passage across the living room floor.

I am awake for no real reason other than I have not gone to sleep yet.

Lately at this hour I have been watching the home shopping network as I am falling asleep. We had our cable cut off since we were poor, and although I had no idea that they had a broadcast version, I know now that they do.

I have learned about a great many not-all-that-precious gemstones and methods for making sterling silver look like gold. They actually were selling a bracelet the other night encrusted in fool's gold. FOOL'S GOLD.

Of course, they called it "Marcasite".

It is this sort of discovery that makes me watch.

Then you have the collection of 800 billion shitty pocket knives. They throw in a couple of swords made entirely of metal not fit for the flush handle on a proper toilet, and sell the lot for $200. What a bargain!

I have to get up tomorrow to be interviewed on the radio with the rest of the band. It should be quite an adventure.

I have to remember not to say "fucknuts" or "cock patrol" on the air.

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