
car fuck disco

I just remembered how odd the curcumstances under which I came to be awake this morning were. And what's more, I'm going to tell it. ALL OF IT.

First, my cellphone rang, which is my own fault for not chucking the damned thing off a bridge. As I gained consciousness I realized that there was someone downstairs, yelling.

Ramsay, a friend of the household's, was yelling at his girlfriend, Amber (I call them Am-Dog and Ram-Dog).

He was yelling "I'm not going to play these bullshit highschool games anymore! Of course I love you! We've been together 2 1/2 years haven't we? What is wrong with you?!... No!.. No!.. There's no reason to nag me! Don't you nag me! buh-blah! buh blah blah blah!".

I feel bad for both of them. He doesn't understand that she just needs a little bit of reassuring every now and again, and she doesn't understand that he's a man and her nagging is fucking irritating.

They are supposed to get married in a year or so I think. Wonder if they will make it.

It was fairly strange to wake up to a redneck shouting in your living room, but I suffered through it, tiptoing to the bathroom to brush my choppers, trying not to be too loud.

It reminded me a lot of when my folks used to yell at each other, but at the same time it made me smile because I knew I could go downstairs and tell him to shut the fuck up if I wanted to.

A wise man in a bar once told me that there is no greater luxury than not giving a shit, and he was so right. Later that night the same wise man was outside the bar, with a waitress, in a rusty and dirty white mazda. It was sort of lazily bouncing up and down. Someone had their foot on the brake because the lights were coming on and off in time with the bouncing.

I thought to myself, "CAR FUCK DISCO".

Damned fine name for a band, I think.

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