
anatomy of a gig

This is a work in progress, so bear with it.

For those of you who have never been in a rock and roll band, I will now detail the inner workings of one gig in particular.

November of last year.

I was farting around in the music store, spending my hard earned cash on an L.R. Baggs preamp for my Parker. Two of the dudes who worked there, whom I knew somewhat were complaining that they were planning on playing some that night but they lacked a drummer. I offered my services, as I am a passable drummer. They accepted.

What followed was a nice dinner and a decent session of banging around and making noise. Also, we drank some wine.

It came to pass that a need for someone to play at Five Points came up, through some nefarious channel, the nature of which is beyond me and beneath mention. We had a week to prepare.

We didn't know any tunes.

Oh fuck.

SO we practiced and practiced. We found out that we would be playing behind a band called Munchkinpumper, which is easily the worst band name I have ever heard. Anyway, I was feeling sort of "What have I gotten myself into" because, well, I'm a guitar player by trade.

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