
fat cat

My crazy friend Brad once told me a very strange story. He said he once knew a girl who had a very neurotic cat.

For whatever reason, if anyone called the cat a fatass, it would take a shit on the carpet. Naturally, being Brad, he was dying to try it out, but he couldn't do it in front of the girl, because she asked everyone not to.

So he plotted.

He waited until he was leaving, said his good byes, and started to walk out the door, but he didn't pull the door all the way closed. After a few seconds he poked his head in.

All clear. She had gone back to the back of the apartment.

He looked at the cat.

The cat looked at Brad.

"FATASS!" Brad shouted.

Sure enough, the cat shit the carpet. The girl who lived there yelled at Brad to get the fuck out, so he did.

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