
trying to make it with lesbians (limited success)

This weekend my sister's uber-hot lesbian friend Nicole came over.

Nicole is one of those people who is not only beautiful, but also a beautiful person. She loves hugging people, sitting on laps, and generally being a terrible flirt.

She sat on my lap and kissed my neck. I reached between her legs and gave her pussy a little squeeze, and she said "Don't do that, you'll make me wet".

I don't think I have ever been that sexually aroused in my entire life. I would have married her on the spot. Alas, she no like-a de penis.

She left a message yesterday saying she missed me already. I guess she heard about my move to ATL.

Lord, mighty Jesus, merciful, big, giant, colossal God of all the heavens and Earth, please, PLEASE let me have sex with this one lesbian.

I'll never ask again.

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